Tuesday, 6 May 2008

How to draw a cartoon rabbit

Begin with the head. Very lightly draw a couple of ovals

Now rub out the middle bits and join the edges together smoothly to make a head shape.

Next we will add the bunny's ears which are simple blobs. Remember that they go behind the head, so don't forget a little overlap

The body is another blob, like a circle that has been squeezed at the sides.

Add the arms and the legs .

And finally add some paws and a face !


By Rhianna

How to draw a cartoon monkey

It is great fun to draw a chimpanzee. Let's start with an oval and two circles for the head and eyes

Next add a large oval for the light area around the nose and mouth.

Then add a line to separate the eyes from the rest of the head and put pupils in the eyes.

And add a mouth and nostrils and of course a big pair of ears and there is your chimpanzee.

Colour your chimp with a dark shade for the fur and a lighter shade for the ears and face.

This is your final product. GOOD LUCK!!!

By Rhianna