I play golf at Brokenhurst golf club.
When you play golf you have to have a handicap,
(Girls: 36 and Boys: 28 at the most). Your handicap determines how many shots you get and how well you play. I cut mine from 32 to 29 last Tuesday.
There are lots of competitions you can enter, some in teams and some on your own.
Last Saturday I played in a competition with one of my mum’s friends. The competition was the Ping Four Ball Better Ball. We took the best score on every hole and tried to get the most points. My Mum and her partner had got to the Grand Final two years running and were going for a 3rd.
My team ended up with 41 points but so did my mum’s team, oh no! This meant it went down to countback, counting back to see how many points each team had managed to get. On the back 9 we had the same amount of points, back six we had the same amount of points and the back three we had the same, but my team won on the last hole!
I found out a few weeks later that because of our score I got to the regional finals! I was so excited as we ended up six under par and came 21st out of 72 teams!
Let’s hope I get to the Grand Final like my Mum has for the last two years running!!
By Charlotte
When you play golf you have to have a handicap,
(Girls: 36 and Boys: 28 at the most). Your handicap determines how many shots you get and how well you play. I cut mine from 32 to 29 last Tuesday.
There are lots of competitions you can enter, some in teams and some on your own.
Last Saturday I played in a competition with one of my mum’s friends. The competition was the Ping Four Ball Better Ball. We took the best score on every hole and tried to get the most points. My Mum and her partner had got to the Grand Final two years running and were going for a 3rd.
My team ended up with 41 points but so did my mum’s team, oh no! This meant it went down to countback, counting back to see how many points each team had managed to get. On the back 9 we had the same amount of points, back six we had the same amount of points and the back three we had the same, but my team won on the last hole!
I found out a few weeks later that because of our score I got to the regional finals! I was so excited as we ended up six under par and came 21st out of 72 teams!
Let’s hope I get to the Grand Final like my Mum has for the last two years running!!
By Charlotte